Another New Year

About Me, Long Beach, CA, Family

It's a new year again. Do you start the new year with plans, goals, resolutions perhaps? The last few years have not been too kind for many including yours truly.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Cielo. Cielo is pronounced like the letters C-L-O. I go by Cielo Roth but I'm actually Cielo Roth-Calderon. Roth is my husband's last name. I was born Cielo MacDonald and I have used my mom's last name Calderon as well. When Brian and I got married many moons ago, we had a hard time deciding what last name we wanted to take since we had so many options from our families - Roth, Calderon, MacDonald, Adams. We joked that we should make up a brand new last names. We toyed around with Pemberton for a while.

What else should you know about me? Brian and I have two kiddos (I have called them Assistant #1 and #2 for years even when they were little). Sam is attending their first year of college at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and Harriette is a Sophomore at Renaissance High School for the Arts. We have lived in Long Beach, California and have for about 25 years. My Grandpa Al moved his family (my dad included) to Long Beach in the 50's so Long Beach has always been special to me. More about my entrepreneur Grandpas another time. The Roth Family has two kitties. Scotty is an orange guy (10 years old) and Mojie (Mo) is a tuxedo cat (2ish). We lost our sweet Oskar in 2023. He was a creamsicle guy (orange and white). We live near the beach in a lovely small apartment and have super amazing neighbors.

I hold a BA in Art Studio from UCSB with an emphasis in Photography. I always loved art - drawing, painting and admiring but when I stepped into that darkroom, I was hooked for good. I have been a photographer since then and been in business since 2011 although some years have been better than others. Raising kids made running a business hard. There are so many mamas who have done it all and I'm proud of them but I wasn't really one of them. Don't get me wrong, I'm still proud of myself for what I have accomplished and part of the last few years I've really beat myself up for what and where I thought I should be. I'm coming out of that fog now.

I made a vision board for the year which holds my dreams, hopes and goals. Is it hokey and a bit woo-woo to create a vision board? Yes but I don't care and I'm not ashamed. I love self help books, journaling, workshops and anything that keeps me moving and motivated. My vision board includes my word of the year - Consistency. I am not a consistent person but I'm working being consistent and creating good habits / routines. I also have some motivating "You Go Girl" quotes, hopes of traveling, a new camera, lots of reading on the beach, hanging out with friends and family, listening to music (maybe a concert or two), health/wealth/happiness and dreams of opening a store front studio and gallery one day.

I think setting goals, making plans and dreaming is so important. It doesn't matter if it's at the beginning of a new year or any day of the year. It's never too late to start.
